“Are you a pirate or a wimp? We have treasure to find.” Patrick replied as he shook own his feet. Nice job, kid.”ħ/5/10 (mud): Don’t think, just jump,” Patrick goaded his little brother. He smiled with pride at his granddaughter. “Check mate, grandpa!” “Well, well, let’s see now,” Mel Stoddard ran his hand across his wizened face as he surveyed the board. Hard.’”ħ/4/10* (pawn): “Pawn to Queen 4,” Patricia announced gleefully as she moved the small black piece across the board. “But I will prove that when the defendant said, ‘Whatever,’ what she really meant was ‘If you do go out with that other woman, I will be forced to punch you. It’s time for some lunch.” Susan flipped him the bird, turned her back, and sauntered out of the school.ħ/3/10 (common): “In common parlance, ‘whatever’ means, ‘Eh, so so.’ Supposedly, it means that you don’t care what will happen,” Jody said. Richardson’s peevish voice cut through her reverie. “Susan Mapleton, where are you going?” Mr. Yeah, she was a badass and was going to flip off the next person who got in her way. “Maybe I don’t want to be that fashionable after all.”ħ/2/10* (salute): The one-fingered salute, her older brother called it.

“But should we really all shave our heads just because Angelina did?” She shook her head and her long, auburn hair fell in a shimmering curtain. (tide)ħ/1/10* (trend): “Sure, it’s the latest trend,” Marcia declared artfully arranging her suit as she sat back down at the long mahogany conference table. But still as the water flowed into her nose and eyes, as its thundering heart filled her ears, she remained alive. Johnson said, “I’d love to speak with you about your son’s predilections for playing with skulls.” “Certainly,” Sheila replied, “but I must warn you, he comes from a long line of skull crushers.”Ħ/30/10 (tide) The tide rolled in and covered her face. It was my job to find out.Ħ/29/10 (carve): “If you could carve out just a minute of your time,” Ms. Where was it from? What kind of animal had three horns and such an elongated snout. (velvet)Ħ/28/10 (fossil) The fossilized skull stared at me from empty eye sockets. Neither she nor her dad would ever be the same, but Isabelle knew that whatever the cost, she would find him again. In some ways, she’d lived the story of heartbreak and longing. June | July | August | September | October | November | December | January | February | March | April | May | June 2011 |Ħ/27/10: The Velvet Room was her favorite book. It also inspired the creation of the Flash Your Fiction workshop. This creativity project revolutionized my writing and my life. The trick? I only had a single minute in which to write the tale. A year-long project to spark creativity and improve skills Each day, for an entire year, I wrote a story from a prompt word.